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To my knowledge, this site is the only web site devoted to the surname Milinchuk. I've been trying to trace my lineage for as long as I can remember. What sparked my interest was always wondering if I had relatives out there that I have never met. I know from personal research that the surname has no more meaning than the American "Smith" or "Miller". It actually closely translates to the Russian word for "miller" or one who "mills." I've heard that "Milinchuks" are very prevalent in Eastern Europe. What confuses me is the lack of them here in the United States. Every Milinchuk I know is related to me......where are the rest.  
I know from historical documents that my family originates from a small farming community in what is present day Poland. Like all areas within this region, many borders have changed through the years. The name of the town specifically is Rybotycze. At one time this was the country of Galacia. A little history of the region........ From late 18th century to 1919 Rybotycze (Polish name) / Rybotychi (Rusyn/Lemko name)was a fair size village, dating back to 14 century, w/both its own Greek Catholic & Roman Catholic Churches. This village was renowned for the production of church icons. Dobromyl was both the administrative and the judicial tax district > frequently referred to as LEMKIVSCHYNA, administered by ethnic Poles for the AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE. Immigration records from this time frame would list immigrant as coming from Austria. Today Rybotycze (Polish spelling) is in SE Poland > Fredropol Gmina > Przemysl Powiat >Podkarpackie Woijiwodztwo. Zip code 37-742. So we are nothing more than a bunch of Polish Carpathians. On the Ellis Island records my great grandfather is listed as Austro-Ruthenian; another name for Rusyn.
Along with borders, names have changed. Through my research I've come to realize that my last name was changed some time in the early 1900's by my grandfather. The original spelling is "Mielniczek". There are many rumors amongst family members as to why the name was changed. Many believe it was to seek employment during a time in which being Polish wasn't always a good thing. I'm looking for anyone with either spelling to feel free to contact me and shed some light on my genealogical mystery.

My Grandfather and Grandmother's home being built around 1930's. Originally were from Philadelphia (Nicetown). Relocated to the Lehigh Valley looking for work.

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